

2014年11月13日 7899人阅读 返回文章列表

  器质性精神障碍Organic mental disorders

  阿尔茨海默(Alzheimer)病Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease

  阿尔茨海默病,老年前期型Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease with early onset

  阿尔茨海默病,老年型Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease with alte onset

  阿尔茨海默病,非典型或混合型Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease, atypical ro mixed type

  其他或待分类的阿尔茨海默病Mental disorders due to other type of Alzheimer is disease, or unspecified

  脑血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to vascular disease

  急性脑血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to vascular disease of acute onset

  皮层性血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to cortical vascular disease

  皮层下血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to subcortical vascular disease

  皮层和皮层下血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to mixedcortical subcortical vascular disease

  其他或待分类血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other vascular disease, or unspecified

  其他脑部疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other braindiseases

  脑变性病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to brain degeneration

  匹克(Pick)病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to Pick is diseasf

  享廷顿(Huntington)病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to Huntington is disease

  帕金森(Parkinson)病所致精神障碍[Mental disorders due to Parkinson is disease

  肝豆状核变性(Wilson病)所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to hepatolenticular degeneration(Wilson is disease)

  颅内感染所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to intracranial infection

  急性病毒性脑炎所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to acute virus encephalitis

  克—雅病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease

  脑炎后综合征Postencephalitic syndrome

  急性播散性脑脊髓炎和急性出血性白质脑炎所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to acute disseminateclencephalomyelitis and acute hemorrhagic leucoencephalitis

  多发性硬化所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to multiple sclerosis

  脑外伤所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to brain damage

  脑震荡后综合征Mental disorders due to brain concussion

  脑挫裂伤后综合征Mental disorders due to brain contusion

  脑瘤所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to brain tumor

  癫痫所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to epilepsy

  以上未分类的其他脑部疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other specifide diseases classifide dlsewhere

  躯体疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to physical diseases

  躯体感染所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to physical infection

  人类免疫缺陷病毒所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)

  内脏器官疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to visceral organdisease

  内分泌疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to endocrine disease

  营养代谢疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to nutritional and metabolic disease

  结缔组织疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to disease of connective tissue

  系统性红斑狼疮所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)
